Dear Corinne,
We are now in Holy Week and the 40 day journey through Lent is almost over. Traditionally Lent ends on the Thursday in Holy Week, when we remember Jesus having the Last Supper with his Disciples, before the events of Good Friday unfold. The darkness and sorrow of that day is then replaced by the joy and celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day.
You might like to make time this week, to enter afresh into the Easter story by taking time to do the meditations in the Easter Bundle
As this season comes to a close I would like to suggest that you set aside some time over the Easter period to stop and reflect back on the 40 day journey. Ponder on the insights you have gleaned through the activities you have undertaken and what you have read over the past 40 days. What have you learned and how will it impact your journey of faith?
Of course, weather and work schedule permitting, you may like to go for a walk in a park or the countryside and use your time outside as part of the reflection process! At this time of year, as we move into spring, we begin to see new signs of life around us, in gardens and hedgerows, pastures and parks, woods and forests. So, as you walk be observant!
- Look specifically for signs of growth and new life springing into being!
- Take time to observe any barren and seemingly dead aspects of the landscape you are walking in. What is God saying to you through these?
- Reflect on your life and acknowledge any areas which you feel are barren and seemingly lifeless. Pray about these as you walk.
- Take time to observe all the different signs of new life, in the landscape you are walking in. What is God saying to you through these?
- Reflect on your life and acknowledge any areas which you feel are developing and showing signs of new beginnings. Especially those that have begun to emerge through the 40 day journey through Lent! Pray about these as you walk and give thanks to God for them.
We have seen that there is nothing magical about 40! It is, however, clear from the Bible, that the number is used in general to symbolise a season of testing, trial or judgement. Furthermore it appears that God views 40 days as a significant time period. As Rick Warren notes, “Whenever God wanted to prepare someone for his purposes, he took 40 days.” This was certainly the case for Noah, Moses, Elijah, Nineveh, Jesus and the disciples!
We may not immediately, be completely aware of the impact and the changes, that a 40 day journey, has wrought in us. However, commitment to such a journey will bear fruit in our lives. It is definitely worth the discipline and time and effort!
As Paul wrote in Romans 8:6 “ ….attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life.” (The Message)
Looking forward to seeing you soon! Happy Easter!
with love