Tenacity is defined in the Collins dictionary as, ‘Very determined or stubborn: tending to stick firmly to any plan decision or opinion without changing or doubting it. Tightly held – difficult to loose, shake off or pull away from.
In his book Rousing the Warriors, Steve Uppal writes:
“If the Lord has said something to you, then hold on to it despite what circumstances and other people say. We need to be tenacious about our lives, families and our churches. We also need to be tenacious about our calling and the mandate that has been given to us from the Lord. He would not call you to do something that you were unable to accomplish. He would not give you a charge and then encourage you to stop halfway.” (Steve Uppal, Rousing the Warriors, New Wine Press, p.96-97)
In Proverbs 29:18a we read, ‘Where there is no vision the people perish.’ (Authorised Version)
- Do you have a vision from the Lord for your life?
- Are you clear what your particular calling is?
- How tenacious are you in fulfilling this vision/calling?
- Are you tenacious in prayer?
- In friendships?
- In the roles and responsibilities you currently find yourself in?
- Record your responses in your journal.
Now choose one Old Testament character and one New Testament character who demonstrate tenacity in his/her calling and leadership. Read their stories, learn from them and let them encourage you to develop and maintain tenacity.
Reflect on these words of Jesus: ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened.’ Luke 11:9-10