‘Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have’
‘Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you are living the way you are’ 1 Peter 3:15 (from NIV and The Message respectively)
In October 2012 I attended a seminar on evangelism given by J John and his associate Tim Saiet. Tim asked us if we could explain the hope we have in Christ, and he invited participants to volunteer to come up to the front and do so, within a two minute time limit. The man Tim chose gave a brilliant response in just over two minutes! This challenged me to think carefully about how I myself would explain the hope that I have. For we do have good news to tell and while we are not all called to be Billy Graham or J John, we do each have a story to tell of God’s goodness and blessing in our lives.
It may be that you have already considered this, that you already have a clear and concise way to explain the hope that you have. If so, lay it before the Lord and review it with him. If not, then think about what you would say. Prepare a two minute answer and pray for the opportunity to ‘speak up and tell anyone’.
Who is God asking you to share the gospel with during this season of Lent? Listen for names and then pray for these people throughout Lent. Pray for opportunities to meet them, pray for the words to say to them when you meet and pray that in the midst of the busyness of daily life, that you will not miss the opportunities that God gives you!