Give us this day our daily bread.
Matthew 6:11
Traditionally this request is viewed as asking for everything we need to keep us alive. These needs include not only food and clothing, but also spiritual needs and whatever we may require during the course of the day. This provision is not earned; rather, it is given to us by God who loves us. This request is also seen in the Old Testament; in Proverbs we read, ‘. . . give me only my daily bread.’ (Proverbs 30:8).
There is also the implication that if we need daily sustenance, we need to pray daily too.
- Think of all the things that God has provided for you:
from your faith in him and your relationship with him to your family, friends, home, possessions, job . . .- Take time to think of all these things and be thankful.
- Now ponder on all the ways in recent weeks that he has provided for you, physically, spiritually, emotionally, materially, and be thankful.
- If there are any ways that you feel unprovided for, lay these before him now.
- Pour out your heart to him about these areas and then leave them with him.
- In the stillness, listen for his response to your concerns.
- Record his words in your journal and thank him for what he has shown you.