An audio version of this meditation is available click here
I would like to invite you today to imagine that your heart is a four roomed dwelling. What does it look like? What is it constructed from? Where is it located? Is it in a rural setting, a seaside setting, up in the mountains or an urban setting? What does the front door look like?
How do you feel as you approach the door and turn the key in the lock? Excited, intrigued, apprehensive, fearful? You enter the dwelling and go into each room in turn. Take time to look carefully around each one. What sort of rooms are they? What sort of state are they in? Spick and span, freshly decorated, decayed, cluttered, fully furnished or relatively empty.
After you have looked round each room, choose one room and go and sit quietly in it. You reflect on the rooms and after a little while you
sense that someone has come into the room to join you. You turn round and see Jesus standing behind you. How do you feel? He comes and draws up a chair so that he can sit beside you. What does he say to you about your ‘heart’? How do you respond to him? Spend time with him.
Before Jesus leaves, listen as he says the following words to you.
“I will give you an undivided heart and put a new spirit in you. I have called you by name. You are mine.” What do you say to him? How do you feel as he leaves? You sit quietly for a few minutes and then you too leave, knowing that you can return at any time, and that he will be with you wherever you go.
Finally you may like to listen to the lyrics from the song entitled ‘Be Still’ by Bethel Music (Track 9 from Tides CD, Bethel Music 2013),by downloading it from iTunes.