Prepare – 2 Chronicles 20: 20-21
These verses tell us that they left early in the morning, but do not mention the preparations for departure. This may well be a testimony to their state of preparedness given the times that they were living in and their need to be ready to defend themselves.
In a few days time we will be entering the season of Advent and moving towards celebrating Christmas. So today we will take time out from the story in 2 Chronicles to consider how we can prepare for these seasons, in a way that is appropriate for us as individuals in the circumstances that we currently find ourselves in.
I suggest that you begin by reflecting on how you have journeyed through this season in the past.
- What have you enjoyed, and appreciated about Advent?
- How have you used this time devotionally, to prepare for Christmas?
- What have you found difficult?
- How have you encountered God during this season?
- How has he broken into your busyness and routines, during Advent, to show you fresh signs of his love and forgiveness?
You may like to make a note of your responses in your journal.
In the light of your responses about previous seasons of Advent how would you like to mark the season this year and what strategies/activities can you put in place to achieve these?
Are there any creative activities you can engage in during this season?
Take some time to be still and lay out your proposed Advent activities/actions/strategies/ideas, before God and listen for his perspective on them. Then gather the resources you require and be ready to start, when Advent commences!