This reflection is not going to have a meteorological focus! It will instead focus on our own internal weather system, at this stage of our Journey through Lent. It is an opportunity to reflect on the weather systems around us and within us through the Examen, a spiritual practice that St Ignatius of Loyola, introduced to his followers.
- Begin by taking a moment or two to ponder on how God is looking at you as you come into his presence.
- How are you feeling about entering into this time of stillness with him?
- How does God feel about this time with you?
- Ask God to be with you as you begin this time of reflection, looking back over the week you have just had.
- Ask him to show you what he wants to show you.
- Open your heart to his presence.
As you begin, think of one thing from the week that you are grateful for and give thanks for it.
Now slowly begin to look back over the week, and scan through each day, until you get to this present moment.
- What has happened this week.
- Where have you been.
- Who have you spent time with.
- What relationships and events come to your mind?.
Now look in more detail at one or more events or relationships in the week, where do you notice ‘movements’ in yourself towards God: life, energy, light, hope , creativity, peace, gentleness?
If nothing strikes you – ask God to show you!
As you reflect on the event or relationship think about the following
- What was your mood at the time?
- What were your feeling?
- What were you thinking?
- What did you want?
- What was God like?
Where did this ‘movement’ come from? and where was it going?
You may have experienced a strong ‘countermovement’ in the events/relationship you have been reflecting on. For example: fear, anxiety, anger, selfishness, harshness. Take a moment to be with that and then ask the same questions:
- What was your mood at the time?
- What were your feeling?
- What were you thinking?
- What did you want?
- What was God like?
Where did this ‘countermovement’ come from? and where was it going? Try not to judge yourself.
Now return to the movements, the feelings, thoughts, responses in you that move you towards God and responding to God and others in love. Hold these in your memory.
Take some time now to talk to God about what you have noticed – about your life, the events, the relationships. Also reflect on the times of drawing closer to God and the times of drawing away.
Talk to God or Jesus as you would a friend, sometimes speaking and sometimes listening, sometimes just in companionable silence.
Look forward with God to the rest of the week and next week.
This Examen has been adapted from one on The Life Before Death:
The Psychology of Flourishing Retreat, at St Beunos in North Wales.