Dear Corinne,
Yes! There are many benefits to practising the Examen daily. It can act as a tonic in our lives! It can increase our awareness of God’s presence in our day, as well as changing our perspective about people and events. Jim Manney has recorded an audio series on the lunchtime examen – you can listen to it here
Today we will continue the theme of thankfulness/gratitude. Look at the photo above and imagine that you are sitting on the bench.
Take a moment or two to let go of the things on your mind.
Feel the warmth from the sun, the gentle breeze.
Observe the clouds and notice the view from the bench.
Give thanks for creation.
Give thanks for your parents and immediate family.
Give thanks for your friends and loved ones.
Give thanks for your body, your senses, your intelligence and your special talents.
Give thanks for your work, both paid and voluntary.
Give thanks for your play, even if it is infrequent.
Give thanks for your possessions and for God’s provision for you.
Close this time of stillness by praying the Lord’s Prayer
I encourage you to continue to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness by praying this everyday, for next several days!
with love,